Intro to Words to Know and Grow

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Do you ever notice that when you find the right word for something, things click and just make more sense? Sometimes those words are in your own language and sometimes they are in a language that is unfamiliar to us. Or, sometimes we learn a meaning first and then the word is introduced to us. 

Within this section of the blog, we’ll have the chance to expand our vocabulary and understanding of ourselves, each other, and the world around us by talking about words that help us know and grow. English will be just one of the languages we reference; we will also consider terms from various industries, professions, and regions. 

Perhaps we will also learn we have different words for the same concepts or the words we are using may not mean what we once thought they did. What we do know is language matters, our words matter. And in the word of friend and colleague, Marty-- words matter because “things tend to become what you call them.”

Join us in expanding our vocabulary and understanding each other better. Stay tuned as the first word we will discuss is occupation!  Spoiler alert: We don’t mean it is only a job.  


Intro to Unlearning


Intro to Monthly Theme