Celebrating the Triumphs of a Story in Process: A Christy Witkowski Update

Image description: Photo collage by Christy Witkowski. Top row (left to right)- Christy and her daughter at the start of the Mississippi River (Yes— it’s in Minnesota!), (center) Christy and her daughter on college graduation day, Christy and her daughter celebrate life with a trip to Disney World. Bottom row photos: Christy with her "Whys” of being an OT

Good day, everyone!

This good day deserves glitter, bold letters, flowers, twinkling lights, bursting into song or dance randomly, or any way you choose to celebrate a particularly good day.

Why, you ask?

Remember the first interview for Lives Well Occupied: Lessons from Near and Far with Christy Witkowski? We know her stories and experiences spoke to so many people so wanted to share just a couple of really great things that have happened since you first learned about her.

First— Christy has received confirmation that she has officially passed her boards to certify her as an OTA! If you’ve ever taken an exam like this you may recognize all that goes into preparing and completing that part of the process. And today, she gets to close the books on preparing for that exam. Congratulations, Christy!!! Congratulations to all of us— her work and presence in the profession is only just beginning and her ripple effect is heading our way.

Her sharing of her journey has connected with and continues to connect with so many— feel free to drop her a congratulations and well wishes, offer a kind deed in celebration, do one occupation today in a way that makes it feel a little more special— or as our OT friend and colleague Alice Hortop would call it— elevate your occupations. Or, do any combination of the above and notice the celebratory moments of this day for you or others as well— no moment is too small.

Second— What do you do when life hands you curve balls?

One of Christy’s latest steps in putting this all together for good is starting a non-profit, Sophia’s Adventure Circle. Started this fall, Christy is stepping up to meet the needs of children experiencing the loss of a parent/caregiver to cancer. She is taking her knowledge of the importance of play and leisure as childhood occupations and how the experience of grief influences them to create adventure opportunities for children experiencing these losses. Her work reminds us of how we can all support one another, foster connection and belonging.

Their mission:

Our mission is to bring joy to kids and help make them smile by giving them a chance to experience a fun adventure during a difficult and emotional time in their childhood. One adventure at a time, we will give a child a piece of their childhood back.

Lastly— thank you Christy, for sharing your life experiences with us all, for entering the profession of occupational therapy, and for continuing to use those experiences to lead in ways that are obvious and less obvious. Your story reminds us we are all have experiences that help others find their way when they may be feeling lost, unsure, or hurt.

Here is to celebrating your heart, courage, and tenacity!

Congratulations— we look forward to the next chapters you are writing in the way you live a life well occupied!

Learn more about Sophia’s Adventure Circle and how you be part of helping achieve their mission:


New to the blog or wanting to hear more of Christy’s journey— you can find her interview in two parts here:




Inventors, Expanding Possibilities, and Ramen


A Handful of Quiet