Choose Your Own Reflection Question
Today we thought a few images and questions may offer a chance to notice and appreciate how recalibrate fits in our lives.
Choose the question that works best for you today:
1) In what way/s do you find yourself recalibrating like the leaves outside?
Are these recalibrations that you experience every year or are they new recalibrations?
2) Which of these pictures or spaces between best represent where you are at with embracing the nudge to recalibrate?
Summer, Autumn, or Winter?
Still deciding.
Image descriptor: A snow storm on an autumn day while the leaves are still turning color from summer to fall.
Feeling curious and noticing a shift
Image descriptor: A little one experiencing their first autumn— in awe and soaking up the changing seasons— looking up at leaves falling while the leaves are on the ground as well.
Neck deep in change and embracing the opportunity
Image descriptor: A toddler is covered to their head in leaves with eyes and mouth smiling.