Recalibrate: Embracing and Understanding the Theme for September
What do you think of when you hear that word?
You might think of making adjustments to the sensors of some sort of equipment that takes measurements, such as a scale. That is accurate— that is recalibrating.
And, another definition of recalibrate is the one we will be considering this month. It may not be the word you have most commonly used to describe your actions; however, it is an action we are taking with more frequency lately (or perhaps being nudged to take and resisting).
The definition that seems to most accurately describe the recalibrate we are talking about is this:
to reexamine (one’s thinking, a plan, a system of values, etc.) and correct it in accord with a new understanding or purpose [1]or
to change the way you do or think about something [2]
We recalibrate so many times in a day, we may take it for granted that we are taking in new information and deciding if the path we were just on still makes sense. Most recently, the opportunities to recalibrate may leave us feeling disoriented or dizzy. We might feel annoyed, frustrated, worried, or even angered by the need to shift gears.
The opportunity to recalibrate may also result in us feeling more confident and calm as we realize we can adjust as we grown and learn.
So what does it take for us as collectives and individuals to consider recalibrating? What routines may help make recalibrating a regular part of our daily rhythms?
We’ll be talking all month about what makes recalibration possible and how to experience recalibration as a gift.
Do you have ideas of what you’d like to talk more about on the topic of recalibrate? Let us know in the comments below.
Image descriptor: Basket of red apples with the words “Recalibrate: September’s Theme and” above the image