Reflecting on rest to recalibrate

Did you get a chance to read yesterday's post by Emily and Peter? The image they share identifies 7 types of rest as identified in the Tedx talk with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, with the link to that talk at the bottom of the post.

If you haven't heard of the 7 types of rest or read yesterday’s post yet, you can find it here:

If you have, here are two reflective questions for today---

What types of rest do you need this weekend?

How can you get that type of restorative rest?

Image description: Grey background with various shades of gold abstract images on bottom left and top right corners with the quote by Dr. Saundra Dalton- Smith (author of Sacred Rest)— “Rest, at its core, should be restorative.”

Image description: Grey background with various shades of gold abstract images on bottom left and top right corners with the quote by Dr. Saundra Dalton- Smith (author of Sacred Rest)— “Rest, at its core, should be restorative.”


Sue Crites, Spring Forest Qigong, and One Way to Recalibrate


Putting Reflections on Rest and Being into Action with Emily and Peter