Remember— The Theme for February


What do you think of when you hear this word?

There are so many directions and emotions this one word may bring up— this array of possibilities is intentional. The goal is not to decide for each other what is important to remember; rather, the intention is to notice some of the things we may have forgotten that are quite valuable for we humans.

This month is a chance to recognize we are more than enough, we have more skills together and as individuals than we realize, and as we remember this it brings about so many different ways we can connect with one another to live our lives well occupied.

As the image above reminds us— all of us likely have countless times in our lives where we couldn’t imagine how we would make it through certain circumstances or moments. Perhaps this may be one of those points in time. Remembering that we are still here reminds us we have worked through challenging situations before— even if the circumstances were not identical there are skills we have and growth since that point that can help us find our way.

Something tells me this month will offer us the chance to unlearn in higher proportions if we choose to accept the invitation, freeing up the space to relearn and remember what actually helps us as humans function best.

What to expect this month

We’ll continue with stories of people whose actions in life remind us what action in a positive direction looks like, especially when we are uncertain of the final outcome. We’ll have the chance to learn more about how people build routines by pausing to notice if we drifted in a different direction and then embrace course correcting as a necessary and incredibly valuable routine.

And we’ll also have the chance to reflect on our own experiences— you’ll impress yourself with what you’ve done before with just a few different ways to remember this truth.

So this February— I hope you’ll enjoy remembering together and enter March more grateful and with an increased abundance of opportunities and felt connections.


Unlearning in 2022…


Inventors, Expanding Possibilities, and Ramen