Intro to Being and Rest as Occupations

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When we think of how we occupy our lives, we often think about doing and action. In reality, our everyday living consists of doing and being. Ever notice how just the right amount of rest or cadence to a song gives it a whole different experience? In Being and Rest as Occupations we will get curious about how being and resting are working in our lives and those around us. Depending on how we grew up, our view of rest and “just being”  can lead us to many differing views of rest. Some of us embrace rest, living in rhythm with the seasons and the environment around us. For others, rest is only something you do once you have finished your work (and does that ever happen?), or it may be something other people get to do but is not part of our way of life. 

As we consider the impact of being and rest as occupations, it is one of our greatest opportunities to be kinder to ourselves and to be good neighbors.

Do we recognize the necessity of rest?

What are the conditions for rest and others around us?

What can we do to hold that space for others to truly rest?

What can we stop doing for everyone to get restorative rest? 

These are just some of the questions we’ll ponder together. It may become your favorite topic and serve as the permission slip you’ve been seeking to allow yourself and others to rest. Let us know what is on your mind about giving yourselves space to be and not do. If you have a question, likely others do too so feel free to share and we’ll work toward connecting you with the right resources. 


Intro to Reflections