Intro to Reflections

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Whether you read the blog daily, weekly, or as you wish, we invite you to pause, reflect, decide what fits, and leave the rest. 

When learning any new skill, we reach a saturation point where we’ve taken in enough new information and it is now time to pause, let it soak in, and determine how it landed so we can choose our next steps. 

If you’re reading content in this section, it is the invitation to regroup. Talk through what you’re observing or learning with someone else, write notes to yourself, and/or pause to notice where this information lands in your body, not just your mind. 

What felt affirming? Confusing? Frustrating? Surprising? Where do you feel it? How does that show up in your body? Do you feel lighter? Constricted? Open? Tense muscles? Red faced? 

What made you feel alive, present, grateful, hopeful this day or week? What would it take for you to feel more of that? 

As an occupational therapist-- I want you to feel as comfortable caring for your whole self as I am in making it a point it is a necessity. I wish for you to honor the need to carefully consider the conditions you and others need to grow in the same way you would care for a seed. I hope you recognize the voice of your spirit, that you learn the difference between the noise that surrounds you and your inner knowing nudging you back to wholeness. May we take comfort in knowing no plant grows alone-- we too, can care for each other, doing our part to care for ourselves and each other. 

In the words of the late occupational therapist, Ann Wilcock-- “What are your conditions for wellness?” How may your conditions be unique to you and those around you?


Intro to Lives Well Occupied: Lessons from near and far


Intro to Being and Rest as Occupations