Valentine’s Day— Reimagined
Greetings, everyone!
Valentine’s Day— this has been the topic here at the blog today as we think about what our habits and routines are around a holiday focused on love.
And it has us wondering—
What would it look like with:
More intentionality
Daily doses and noticing of opportunities
Looking for ways to show our care and love for others, and testing them out daily like the latest Wordle craze?
Applied to anyone, not just significant others or people we know well
*Note: If the Wordle reference is unfamiliar— do a quick online search to find out the latest simplified daily word search people are abuzz about.
So this week we’ll be:
Considering our options
Asking to hear your best experiences
Expanding our Valentine’s List in the best of ways
Today’s suggestion was posed by OTA student, Silas Hale.
Some gifts are simply noticing and asking what we can do to help make someone’s day flow easier.
Whether this is for yourself, a colleague or team member, family member, partner, friend, neighbor, stranger, animal, or tree— what gifts can be found in the question below?
Image description: Path through a sturdy variety of trees, including pines with caption— “Valentines: Everyday for Everyone”. And in a search box the words: “What is one thing I can to do be of help today?” In bottom right hand corner, “”.