July theme- Reset

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We’ll begin the blog with the theme of:   r e s e t  

When in doubt, or things just aren’t working the way we planned, reset is often our friend. We don’t always have to keep going the way we planned just because we started down a certain path. We’ll honor the reset in all its forms--

the welcomed reboot

the chance to begin again from a place of more experience and awareness 

and also finding our way together in the unexpected resets

This month we’ll pause to notice where a reset is in order-- for ourselves, the groups of which we are a part, and for our communities. As you reflect, we invite you to do so on your own or engage others in conversations. The way you reflect is up to you and we welcome your participation in the comments.

Here are a few questions to get us started:

When do you embrace resets?

Do you ever notice you need a reset but resist? When is that most likely for you?

What resets have you had that you didn’t choose and have now learned to appreciate?


An invitation to notice


Navigating resets: Interview with OTA graduate, Christy Witkowski; Part 1