One Minute Reset
Pause, Breathe, Resume on board game pieces.
Good morning, fellow readers and citizens.
Sundays on the blog are intended to be “easy like Sunday morning”, in the words of Lionel Richie. It was Sunday, right? If that was not correct— well, perhaps at least one of you will share my talent of loving songs and singing them with all alternative lyrics.
Okay, now that I’ve probably taken you down the path of having Lionel Richie singing in your ear, I invite you back to the topic of resets. We’ve been talking about some of the resets we do not choose and also the resets we recognize and initiate ourselves. Depending on your routines, you may also choose certain days of the week to reset, regroup. Perhaps today is even one of them for you.
This morning is to remind us we can reset in 1 minute or less in some circumstances and so we invite you to think about what those might be for you. And if you’d like to share ideas to help others— please comment below or on social media threads.
Here are 7 possibilities to get you started:
5 deep breaths (5 seconds each to inhale and exhale; hold for 3 seconds in between if you wish)
Go outdoors
Rest on the ground, bonus if barefoot
Daily reading or let a favorite book choose you to randomly read a passage from it
Sing or hum
Bounce or stretch
Give a reset, take a reset
Consider this like the give a penny/take a penny container. Give a reset idea, take a reset idea— as many as you need. Even more exciting with a give a reset, take a reset— It can travel with us and will harm no one for all of us to take it with us at the same time.
We can notice when others could use a minute to reset and offer them the space, join us in a breath or two, a grounding pause, a playful call and respond— the options are as vast as all of our imaginations combined.
What would you add to the list for yourselves or as a way to be a citizen (one who is willing to be accountable for and committed to the well-being of the whole)? If this definition is unfamiliar to you, please check out the “What to Expect Tab” under the blog for more details.
Here’s to finding the resets that fit us best today!